Saturday, 3 May 2014

Docking (Dog)

Do you make your pretty pet look more prettier cause you are supposed to be pretty outsmart to others? Well this can be done by Cropping your dog's ears or even dock its tail. Docking is nothing but the removal of an animal's (Dog here) tail. Docking is not allowed in many countries. But in some others they are as free as you feel. Trimming/erecting ears is usually referred  as cropping since no cutting/removing of ears is involved.

2 Dogs during Ear Cropping
Un-cropped(Behind) and Cropped(Front) ears of 2 Boxer Dogs

Undocked (Left) and Docked(Right)  tail of Doberman
 Reason for Docking and Cropping?
The best reason for cropping is to make dogs look pretty attractive or maybe aggressive depending on type of dog and its style. The  reason behind docking is that too long tails disturbs the routine work and makes each job very irritating.

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