A team of excellent skilled performance artists started in 2010, mesmerizing the crowds by their mind-blowing tricks and skills. For these performers, laws of physics doesn't apply. They appear as if they have some extraterrestrial alien powers. They just fly in air, perform parkour still stunts, dance colored balls, without any kind of support and balance. They are Magicians!! Aren't they? What makes these performers perform stunts so lively and creatively? Let's see.
A Logo of Fighting Gravity |
Ultra-violet Lights |
This technique use different lighting colors to deceive the eye witness audience. The whole performance stage is illuminated by high ultra-violet lights and these makes us to see only things which Fighting Gravity wants us to see and hide the rest other things. Light is a basic need for our vision and FG technique uses these lights of different bandwidth which human eye is not sensitive to. The performers costumes are coated with special fluorescent chemicals which observe these U-V lights and makes only those parts visible but none surrounding these men. I think you got the point. If you didn't here its how they do.
Light balls as seen in performance |
Behind the scene of the performance |
As black appears to us as nothing, the stunt makers are dressed black and cannot be seen in U-V lights. But when U-V lights are switched off and fed lights are switched on, one can clearly understand the indigenous trick behind the skills. One of the mystery is solved. Now the other is that how these performers are able to fly around like a superman. Well, the answer is unknown and its fighting gravity's secret. But if we give our second thought over it, the key to the answer may be found. May be the black group behind the performers are lifting them all around or are they using some special invisible wires to hover them around. The answer is yes, but with a little correction. The performers as seen by audience are not really humans at all. The black people behind these photo-fluorescence mask, turn these costumes up and down, displaying their skills. Isn't this crazy enough? Another question is, how do they walk at heights? Well, the answer is simple. They use preset wooden planks arrangement on which they walk on. As all these are painted black its impossible to see them. Perhaps all these are just guesses and none of these are officially revealed by the team.
Wearing jackets when lights are off |
Wearing jackets when lights are on |
Don't you want to watch their show now?
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